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Hope pulled heartstrings in Wednesday's Child segment. Now she has an adoptive placement

Hope's caseworker said she's doing well and that she's happy. She also loved WFAA's story about her and keeps asking people to show it to her.

DALLAS — There's great news about a little girl many of you asked WFAA's Cynthia Izaguirre about since WFAA featured her as a Wednesday's Child two months ago. 

Hope poured out her heart about not being adopted yet. She now has a lot to be thankful for.

In August, WFAA featured the 11-year-old and who had been in foster care for five years. She opened up about the heartache of not being adopted.

"I just feel like people don't want me anymore because the older I get, the more people don't want me," she said, crying during an interview with Izaguirre. 

Hope's vulnerability and honesty touched a nerve. CPS was flooded with calls from people who wanted to adopt Hope. And now, she's in an adoptive placement. That means there's a family who wants to be her forever family. She's moved in with them to see if it works.

The next step is that Hope must be in the placement for six months to make sure it's the right match. If it is, then in the spring, the state moves forward with her adoption.

Hope's caseworker said she's doing well and that she's happy. She also loved WFAA's story about her and keeps asking people to show it to her.

Hope, we're praying that everything works out as it should!

For more information on how to adopt in Texas, please send all approved home studies to LaQueena Warren at LaQueena.Warren@dfps.texas.gov Please remember to include the child's name within the subject line. 

If you're not licensed, please visit adoptchildren.org to find out more information on how to become licensed to foster and/or adopt or contact LaQueena Warren at 817-304-1272.

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