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Bookstore-bar in Dallas invites people to talk, learn from each other

The owners say they feed people culture and get them talking.

DALLAS — On the outside, it looks like a house, but it’s really a bookstore. On the inside, it looks like a bookstore, but it’s really much more.

Why? Because, what goes perfectly with a good book is beer. The Wild Detectives is a one-of-a-kind bookstore-bar.

It was started by Javier Garcia del Moral and his friend, Paco Vique. They both like beer and books, but they love bringing people together.

“I think that’s what really triggers those conversations, which is what we’re trying to achieve,” del Moral said.

del Moral said we could all learn a lot from each other. Problem is, we usually avoid people who are different from us. That’s why they opened The Wild Detectives.

The goal is to gather people, feed them culture and get them talking. Conversation is something they take so seriously that every night and every weekend they turn off the Wi-Fi, so that people talk.

“It makes it easy to expand this level of conversation when you’re talking about those different things,” del Moral said.

Whether you like books, beer – some people do come just for the cocktails – or one of the many events they host, stop in and strike up a conversation. Because we may not agree on everything but when we share our story or a drink we can grow to appreciate each other.

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