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Pet foster parents, volunteers needed at Fort Worth animal care facilities to help with overcrowding

"We're doing everything we can to get these animals out of the shelter alive," said Fort Worth Code Compliance Director Brandon Bennett.

FORT WORTH, Texas — One of the first things visitors see at Fort Worth Animal Care and Control is pet foster parent information. It's needed because there are days where a line stretches outside the door with people surrendering their pets. 

Many of the pets in the city shelter have been turned over to Fort Worth Animal Care and Control by their owners, who no longer could care for them. There are also captured strays in the facility. 

Unfortunately, this has led to more pets being euthanized as of late. Before the pandemic, the shelter had success lowering that number.  

"We're doing everything we can to get these animals out of the shelter alive," said Fort Worth Code Compliance Director Brandon Bennett. 

Bennett helps oversee Fort Worth's animal control facility. He's thankful for the department's relationship with animal rescue organizations. 

Bennett calls the overpopulation of unwanted pets a sign of the times.  

"When gas is $5 and $6 a gallon, and then rent goes from 4 [hundred] and $500 a month to $1,000 to $1,500 a month, pets are not generally the first thing that goes, but at some point," said Bennett.

One of the city's partners is Saving Hope Animal Rescue, where Sarah Clanton works with a team of volunteers. 

Clanton spends times with many of Saving Hope's rescues to give them human interaction. Some of the pets have even delivered new litters, like Harlem from a batch of five puppies in need of foster care. 

"Her mom was surrendered to the animal shelter," said Clanton. 

Euthanasia breaks Clanton's heart, so that's also one of the reasons she works nonstop with Saving Hope Animal Rescue. The facility has rescued hundreds of pets that otherwise would have been put to sleep.  

Right now, they need more people in the community to volunteer to be pet foster parents.

"So anyone that wants to foster, we provide the food, we provide puppy pads, toys, everyone gets a saving help collar and tag," said Clanton. 

Saving Hope Animal Rescue recently shipped a busload of animals to the Pacific Northwest for adoption. They're also fundraising for a new facility to save even more unwanted pets. 

The organization is in continuous need of donations, like pet food, blankets, collars, leashes, carriers and more. These items are also provided to pet foster parents. 

"So we need donations and sponsorships for sure," said Clanton. 

You can learn more about becoming a pet foster parent using this link:  https://youtu.be/M1W1K2PZcGc

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