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As police investigate hate crime, shooting victim focuses on making Dallas Koreatown safer

A victim of the Dallas Koreatown salon triple shooting speaks out. WFAA partnered with DKNet, a local Korean radio station, to fully translate what she said.

DALLAS — A suspect has been arrested for the triple shooting at Hair World Salon on Royal Lane in Koreatown, Dallas. 

Jeremy T. Smith is facing three charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. He shot and injured three Korean women on Wednesday.

As Dallas Police Department and the FBI investigate the shooting as a hate crime, one of the victim's is using this as motivation to make her neighborhood safer.

Just days after being shot three times, the co-owner of Hair World Salon stood in front of more than a hundred people at the safety town hall meeting on Monday night.

Speaking Korean, she said thank you and respectfully bowed to the crowd and to the city leaders in attendance.

RELATED: Worker shot at Asian salon by wanted gunman speaks at Korean public safety meeting in Dallas

Chief producer and radio host Jeremy Kim at DKNet, the only Korean radio station in Texas, interpreted her words for WFAA. DKNet is based in Koreatown of Dallas, just blocks away from Hair World Salon.

"She felt like she has been reborn, a new life," Kim said. "She said because of the incident, the community has become safer."

She described the incident saying eight people were inside the salon when the shooter unloaded the gun. She was shot in her arm, which worries her. 

Kim said, "She is worrying what to do for a living." 

The victim had a 4-hour surgery on her broken arm and torn vessels. 

She told the audience that a situation like this could happen to anybody. 

"This happened to me this time, but hope nothing like this crime happens again in the community," Kim translated. 

While it is being investigated as a hate crime, Kim said the victim doesn't want to divide people. 

"She doesn't want to focus on racial hate or racial discrimination," he said. 

Instead, she wants to focus on improving safety in her neighborhood.

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