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New in theaters this weekend (April 26-28)

Avengers Assemble! ...and a Clever Comedy
Credit: Disney/Marvel

Avengers: Endgame

Let's face it. "Avengers: Infinity War" was the MOST DRAMATIC CLIFFHANGER EVER! (even more so than "The Bachelor's" Colton jumping the fence!) So what do you do when your fellow superheros go up in smoke or turn into moths or whatever happened to them at the end of "Infinity?"

Gosh darn it, you're The Avengers...you avenge! Go after that big bad Thanos who stole your fate-changing stones, and try to bring back your buddies! So that's exactly what they do in "Avengers: Endgame." No spoilers here. They previewed it in the trailer.

So much anticipation for this series finale that's been a decade in the making, (The franchise itself will play on.) Can it possibly live up to all the hype? Yes, it can! I won't reveal the story line other than to say that time travel is involved, and Captain Marvel sure comes in handy! The three-hour one minute running time flies by. (Though it wouldn't have hurt to speed up the stones retrieval.) There's humor, but it's spread out. (unlike the silly "Thor: Ragnarok") There's also heartbreak.

This is a well-made, well-acted film. Robert Downey, Junior as Iron Man is a standout, so is Mark Ruffalo as Hulk. And when the Avengers assemble, I defy any of you to not have a lump in your throat, while at the same time cheering! I was weeping for a number of reasons for the last 45 minutes. We fans have devoted a lot of time to this series. Most of it has been worth it. And thankfully, it ends by harnessing all those powers into a thrilling and satisfying conclusion. If Endgame breaks all box office records, as it's sure to do, at least it's deserved. Endgame's a winner. Thanks, guys!  

Disney/Marvel - Rated PG-13


If you want to avoid the crowds and see a really funny movie, check out "Family." Taylor Schilling ("Orange Is The New Black) stars as a workaholic forced to take stock in relationships. She stays one step ahead of her office colleagues, by stepping on them. Then her estranged brother calls with a family emergency. He needs her to babysit her offbeat tween niece. Suddenly life is thrown off balance. Newcomer Bryn Vale plays the niece, who'd rather hang out with her newly-acquired "Juggalo" pals (look it up) than go to the prom. 'SNL's' Kate McKinnon is the overbearing neighbor. Clever writing by first time feature director Laura Steinel. I'll be watching what's next from her.

 The Film Arcade - Rated R

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