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Plano mayor asks for water conservation through mid-September

Mayor John Muns is asking residents to "increase their water conservation efforts" by reducing watering times by two minutes in each sprinkler zone until Sept. 15.

PLANO, Texas — The city of Plano is asking residents to limit their water usage over the next month and a half.

Mayor John Muns shared a message Tuesday asking residents to "increase their water conservation efforts" by reducing watering times by two minutes in each sprinkler zone until Sept. 15.

On July 17, the city of Plano issued a similar notice to its residents, asking that they conserve water use through July 20. The notice followed a call for conservation by the city's water provider, the North Texas Municipal Water District. In that ask, the organization asked all municipalities that receive the provider's purified water to "immediately" reduce their water use -- and "especially outdoor water use" -- due to maintenance meant to relieve stress on some of its water treatment facilities.

Muns referenced high temperatures and low rainfall trends as the main reasons he is asking for these changes. Muns is asking homeowners with addresses that have an even number as their last digit to water Mondays and Thursdays and homeowners with addresses that have an odd number as their last digit to water Tuesdays and Fridays. 

To view the mayor’s message, click here.

Making this adjustment should drop the total demand in Plano's water system between 5-10%. This will help Plano's system be where it needs to be, according to Muns.

The city of Plano is encouraging residents to continue watering on their designated days, corresponding with the last number of their address. The city's parks department and Plano ISD are shifting watering days and times for parks and fields to help balance the overall demand across the week.

Go to Plano.gov/water for more information about water in the city of Plano.

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