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Talk Traffic To Me: How to deal with road rage drivers and not become one yourself

We've all seen something like it in our years of driving and it can be tempting to react, but local police say not to!

DALLAS — If you're on TikTok or other social platforms, you may have seen a viral trend where professionals share things they wouldn't do after working in their fields.

Well one popular position taking it on are ER doctors and staff. One thing they say across the board they won't do: engage in road rage

Dallas police say it's "not just cutting someone off – it's going the next level of trying to either cause harm to that person or in some way inflict some type of violence."

We've all seen something like it in our years of driving. Whether it's one driver flipping the other the bird, people brake-checking each other or exchanging "colorful" words.

It can be tempting to defend yourself or retaliate when it happens to you, but DPD says to let it go. 

"Don't feed into all that rage, and say 'You know what? I want to try to cut them off' or prevent them from doing so," said Senior Corporal Brian Martinez. "Let them go past you. If you need to exit, exit. Don't become involved in it."

If you're caught in that situation and feel like its escalating, the department says to call 911 and give them your location. 

And while you may be worried about becoming a victim of road rage, you should also think about how you can prevent yourself from becoming one.  

A lot of these things happen when people are in a rush to get where they're going, so slowing down is a given.

But Martinez says emotions also have a lot to do with it.

"If you're having a hard day at work, hard day with the family, or just not having a good day in general – don't let it out on the driving."

So, the next time you're in the dumps and need to clear your mind - take a walk and get some fresh air instead of getting behind the wheel. 

And by not engaging, we can all create safer roadways. 

As always if you, have a traffic concern in your area, you can email us here.

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