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Wednesday's Child: Devany, James, Jesse

Devany, 11, and James, 10, live in a different foster home from Jesse.

It's a harsh reality for many siblings who enter the foster care system -- separation. We see it time and time again.

We met a sibling group of three who describe the sadness of being apart and their hope for a future together.

After four years in foster care, Devany, James and older brother Jesse said they feel safe.

“It's fun. They have stuff to play with. It's the right place for me,” said 12-year-old Jesse.

He said he's in a good foster placement but that being apart from his younger siblings is agonizing.

"I miss my brother and sister and I want to be with them," he said.

Devany, 11, and James, 10, live in a different foster home from Jesse. "It’s kind of sad because we couldn't be with our brother. We got separated," said James.

MORE: What is Wednesday's Child? (How to adopt)

James and Devany also like their current foster home, but they feel incomplete without their big brother and hope the three of them find a home together.

"I miss him a lot. It's really important because I don't want to grow up without him," said Devany.

All three siblings are very intelligent. Little James is an avid reader. "I like to just relax and calm down and read a book when I'm mad," he said.

Devany is very smart and makes excellent grades. She's already talking about one day going to medical school.

"I want to be a doctor. I want to help people," she said.

Jesse is a sharp kid. He's well mannered, respectful, and very strong-willed. He's also in a lot of pain. His eyes filled with tears during the interview.

"He means a lot to me," said little brother James.

These siblings pray daily for the chance to be reunited. That hope is what keeps them smiling as they wait to be adopted together.

“Seeing my brother and sister makes me smile. I miss them a lot and I'm hoping and praying that we come back together," said Jesse.

Please send all approved home studies to La Queena Warren at the email address below, if you’re already licensed. Please remember to include the child or children’s names within the subject line. If you’re not licensed, please visit adoptchildren.org to find out more information on how to become licensed to foster and/or adopt or contact 817-304-1272 or LaQueena.Warren@dfps.state.tx.us.

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